Australian Rainforest Plants ~ Identification & Cultivation Resources
by Nan & Hugh Nicholson

Terania Rainforest Publishing specializes in providing information about Australian rainforests. Photographer/botanist duo Hugh and Nan Nicholson have been involved in rainforest horticulture, regeneration and protection since 1974.
Their well-known publications on the indentification and cultivation of Australian rainforest plants have complemented their work as activists endeavouring to conserve all remaining rainforests.

Rainforest Plants of Australia 2.0
~ Interactive Key (Desktop & Mobile App)
(New release 2nd edition)
Substantially revised & updated with 16 new species, 70 name changes. This digital identification key is comprehensive, easy-to-use, and stunning. With 14,000 photos, it covers 1156 species of tree, shrub & vine from Rockhampton to southern Victoria.
Australian Rainforest Plants Vol I-VI
~ In the Forest & in the Garden
These 6 volumes provide an attractive and easily understood reference for gardeners, students, farmers, botanists and other plant lovers. Each book contains over 100 species of rainforest trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers and epiphytes, providing easy to understand information, identification & growing features of Australian rainforest.
Rainforest Trees of Mainland
South-eastern Australia
by A. Floyd
This book has been an indispensable text reference since its first printing in 1989. This long-awaited second edition has been fully updated with new species, name changes and additional distributions.
*NOTE: Hard copy is now out of print. A pdf ebook of the resource will be released soon.
Australian Rainforest Seeds
The Essential Guide to Collecting, Processing and Propagation ~ How to sustainably collect, process and germinate the seeds of 300 subtropical rainforest species.
“This is the Rolls-Royce of botanical identification keys”
Blog Posts
Gardening with Australian Rainforest Plants by Nan Nicholson
Why grow rainforest plants? Rainforest species display a staggering diversity of shape, colour, size and appearance. Their attractiveness is due not only to their flowers, spectacular as some of these are, but to the plant forms, leaf shapes, colourful new growth...
Review by Tim Low: Rainforest Plants of Australia Interactive Key
Getting To Know Rainforests Review of interactive key: Rainforest Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria by Tim Low Identification of rainforest plants has become much easier with the arrival of an impressive new identification guide. Those who are...