
Publications for sale by Terania Rainforest Publishing
- Australian Rainforest Plants volumes 1-6
- Rainforest Plants of Australia – Identification Key (Desktop App)
- Rainforest Plants of Australia – Identification Key (Mobile App)
- Rainforest Trees of Mainland South-eastern Australia
- Australian Rainforest Seeds
See detailed information on each below
Rainforest Plants of Australia ~ (2.0 Desktop App)
Digital Identification Key Rockhampton to southern Victoria
**NEW RELEASE 2.0 in March 2024 **
Authors: Botanists Gwen Harden, Bill McDonald, Nan Nicholson and photographer Hugh Nicholson. Terry Tame and John Williams also contributed.
This interactive digital key enables rapid identification of rainforest plants of Australia (Rockhampton to southern Victoria), covering 1156 species and including extensive information about eastern Australian rainforests.
It is a user-friendly digital system, using Lucid 3.5 technology. Over 14,000 photographs are included.
The new release 2.0 has substantially revised and updated the former USB version of the successful Rainforest Plants of Australia (2014) including 16 new species, 70 current name changes and distribution updates.
The key is based on updated and expanded information from the “Red Book” Rainforest Trees & Shrubs, and the “Green Book” Rainforest Climbing Plants, both by Gwen Harden, Bill McDonald and John Williams. Nan and Hugh Nicholson are author and photographer of Australian Rainforest Plants I-VI.
It is the combination of expertise and enthusiasm for rainforests that makes this key not only exceptionally thorough and accurate but a thing of beauty and a joy to use.
Price: Web price AUD $30 (this allows for 3 downloads to desktop/laptop in the 12 months following purchase date)

”These have been my go-to guides since forever!”
Australian Rainforest Plants volumes I – VI
~ In the Forest & in the Garden
Authors: Nan & Hugh Nicholson (Nan author, Hugh photographer)
Published by Terania Rainforest Publishing
The six volumes of Australian Rainforest Plants by Nan and Hugh Nicholson provide an attractive and easily understood reference for gardeners, students, farmers, botanists and other plant lovers.
Each book contains over 100 species of rainforest trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers and epiphytes. Each species’ appearance, distribution and behaviour in the wild are described, as well as its use in the garden.
Further information is provided on edibility by humans and other organisms, Aboriginal usage and suitability for timber or rainforest regeneration.
A superb colour photo illustrates the identifying features of each plant.
Additional subjects covered in the series include: Gardening with Rainforest Plants (Book I), Growing a Rainforest, and Weeds (Book II), Rainforest Types (Book III), Disturbing Rainforests (Book IV), Rainforest Seeds and their Propagation (Book V), and the Right Rainforest (Book VI).
The books continue to be revised and reprinted and the first book has been continually in print since 1985. Many readers say these books have been their “bible” for information about Australian rainforests.
72 pages, dimensions 235 mm X 165 mm.
Who are these books for?
These books provide an attractive and easily understood reference guide for gardeners, students, farmers, botanists, rainforest regenerators and other plant enthusiasts.
Index of scientific and common names for all 6 volumes: Download pdf Index here
Price: AUD $20 each or $110 for complete set I-VI. Available as paperback (postage free within Australia)

Rainforest Trees of Mainland South-eastern Australia
Author: Alex G. Floyd
Published by Terania Rainforest Publishing
Rainforest Trees of Mainland South-eastern Australia is a comprehensive reference to all 402 rainforest tree species in Victoria and New South Wales, including some in south-east Queensland.
Every species is illustrated with a detailed line drawing and its habit, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, habitat and distribution are all detailed.
This book has been an indispensable text reference since its first printing in 1989. This long-awaited second edition has been fully updated with new species, name changes and additional distributions.
443 pages, dimensions 255 mm x 175 mm
Price: AUD $75 (includes postage in Australia)
*NOTE: Hard copy is now out of print. A pdf ebook of the resource will be released soon. (March 2025)

Australian Rainforest Seeds
Authors: by Mark Dunphy, Steve McAlpin, Paul Nelson, Michelle Chapman, Photos by Hugh Nicholson
Paperback | February 2020
Published by CSIRO
ISBN: 9781486311507 | 216 pages | 245 x 170 mm
The Essential Propagation Guide to Australian Rainforest Seeds: How to sustainably collect, process and germinate the seeds of 300 subtropical rainforest species.
Have you ever wondered how to grow your own rainforest trees? Is there a beautiful tree that you have always wanted to collect and propagate the seed from? Are you in the business of ecological restoration, rainforest propagation or environmental education?
This long-awaited guide to rainforest seed propagation unlocks the secrets to growing 300 rainforest species. Providing specific information on how to sustainably collect, process and germinate seeds, this user-friendly book aims to support a growing movement of rainforest restoration.
With invaluable information based on 30 years of research in northern New South Wales, users will find even difficult rainforest species delightfully easy to grow.
Seeing a seed germinate, caring for the seedling and eventually planting the tree is deeply satisfying. And, in this time of widespread deforestation, millions of trees are needed for restoration and every tree counts.
Whether you are growing one or one hundred thousand, why not start today?
• An A-Z guide with instructions for collecting, storing and propagating the seeds of 300 subtropical rainforest species
• 300 colour photographs provided for easy fruit identification and seed collection
• Detailed techniques for preparing seeds for successful germination
• An easy-to-understand guide to fruit types and seed biology
• Propagation instructions to suit nurseries from the backyard to commercial
More info about the authors and what they offer:
Hugh Nicholson, the photographer for this book, has also co-published with his wife Nan, other resources relating to Australian rainforest plants and their identification. These can be found on the publications page on this website and include: Australian Rainforest Plants vol1-6, Australian Rainforest Plants Key, Rainforest Trees of Eastern Australia.
Co-authors Mark Dunphy, Steve McAlpin, Paul Nelson, specialise in growing Australian rainforest plants from seed at their nursery. You can visit their nursery site (Northern NSW) here:
Michelle Chapman, also a co-author, offers services of species mapping on properties. You can see what she’s up to here:
Price: AUD $50 (includes postage in Australia)