A Guide to Collecting, Processing and Propagation
Authors: Mark Dunphy, Steve McAlpin, Paul Nelson, Michelle Chapman
Photos: Hugh Nicholson
Paperback | February 2020
Published by CSIRO
ISBN: 9781486311507 | 216 pages | 245 x 170 mm
The essential guide to collecting and propagating the seeds of 300 subtropical Australian rainforest species.
Have you ever wondered how to grow your own rainforest trees? Is there a beautiful tree that you have always wanted to collect and propagate the seed from? Are you in the business of ecological restoration, rainforest propagation or environmental education?
This long-awaited guide to rainforest seed propagation unlocks the secrets to growing 300 rainforest species. Providing specific information on how to sustainably collect, process and germinate seeds, this user-friendly book aims to support a growing movement of rainforest restoration.
With invaluable information based on 30 years of research in northern New South Wales, users will find even difficult rainforest species delightfully easy to grow.
Seeing a seed germinate, caring for the seedling and eventually planting the tree is deeply satisfying. And, in this time of widespread deforestation, millions of trees are needed for restoration and every tree counts.
Whether you are growing one or one hundred thousand, why not start today?
• An A-Z guide with instructions for collecting, storing and propagating the seeds of 300 subtropical rainforest species
• 300 colour photographs provided for easy fruit identification and seed collection
• Detailed techniques for preparing seeds for successful germination
• An easy-to-understand guide to fruit types and seed biology
• Propagation instructions to suit nurseries from the backyard to commercial

Australian Rainforest Seeds Book Cover

Authors of Australian Rainforest Seeds book: L-R Hugh Nicholson, Michelle Chapman, Mark Dunphy, Steve McAlpin
More info about the authors and what they offer:
Hugh Nicholson, the photographer for this book, has also co-published with his wife Nan, other resources relating to Australian rainforest plants and their identification. These can be found on the publications page on this website and include: Australian Rainforest Plants vol1-6, Australian Rainforest Plants Key, Rainforest Trees of Eastern Australia.
Co-authors Mark Dunphy, Steve McAlpin, Paul Nelson, specialise in growing Australian rainforest plants from seed at their nursery. You can visit their nursery site (Northern NSW) here:
Michelle Chapman, also a co-author, offers services of species mapping on properties. You can see what she’s up to here:
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